Get noticed project – simple plots #2

Going back to simple plots module – I need to prepare guidelines for input files (csv and excel files) to use in the module.

Csv files are easier, they have one sheet while excel files may have many (and by default they have many). Additionally, in excel files, users often create multiple tables in single sheet and even embed plots.

Guidelines for .csv files:

  1. First row is column names
  2. At least two columns are provided

Guidelines for excel (.xls, .xlsx) files:

  1. Single sheet is provided (even if more sheets exist in the file, only first sheet will be taken to the analysis)
  2. Sheet contain single table where first row is column names
  3. At least two columns are provided

All columns including first row will be included in data as columns and can be chosen as x or y value (no matter if they are numerical or not).

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